Thanks for dropping in and taking your first step toward optimal health. I’m Valerie Warren, Certified Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner. Since 2005, I have been teaching people ways to improve their own vitality and longevity through nutritional supplementation, detoxification, and dietary modification.
Have you ever experienced any of the following?
- indigestion
- fatigue
- irritable bowels
- insomnia
- excessive gas
- irritability
- acid reflux
- stomach pain
- headaches
- muscle pain
- cramps
- body aches
- fuzzy-headedness
- memory loss
- frequent colds
- hot flashes
- joint stiffness
- exhaustion at the day’s end
Most people that come to see me say they do. Have you maybe even written off these complaints as normal, or as a sign that you are simply getting older?
If your body is out of balance, loaded down with waste, and lacking proper nutrition, any and all of the above symptoms can result. But you don’t have to continue to suffer! Through some very simple techniques, I can show you how to rebalance and heal your own body to attain ultimate health.