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Site launch… thanks for stopping by!
Heirloom Health finally has a home on the web! Welcome to my new site. Please have a look around. From here you will be able send emails to request appointments, check out available services and rates, find out more about the whole food supplements and other items I...
Hello and Welcome
Thanks for dropping in and taking your first step toward optimal health. I’m Valerie Warren, Certified Functional Nutritional Therapy practitioner. Since 2005, I have been teaching people ways to improve their own vitality and longevity through nutritional...
The Importance of B vitamins
I am discovering will all my clients one of the most benificial vitamins for the body is a whole food B vitamin. Synthethic B vitamins rob the body, but whole food vitamins such as Cataplex B and Cataplex B-12 from Standard Process nourish the foundation of the...
Essential Fats
I am learning new protocols all of the time. One I just learned is the importance of essential fats for males and females. It is very important to make sure that you are taking in all of the essential fats. This includes, Omega3, Omega6, Omega9, and the correct...
Whole food supplements (NOT synthetic vitamins!)
As a nation, we eat poor-quality foods that have been stripped of nutrients. We do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables. Many of us get our whole grains from instant rice, refined wheat breads, pastas, and cereal. We eat a tremendous amount of prepackaged,...
Nutrition Response Testing finds the “missing piece”
When our bodies are healthy and in balance, all systems function properly and in tune with one another. But when there is an imbalance, we experience symptoms such as allergies, chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, migraines, weight gain and host of other conditions....